The report came as the ruling Communistparty issued guidelines for the next five-yearplan for the world's second-largest economy,whose slowing growth has alarmed investorsworldwide.
The first documents released by theleadership conclave did not include a numericalgrowth target.
The doubling target is part of achievingwhat China's ruling party calls a "moderatelyprosperous society" in time for the 100thanniversary of its foundation. The comments arethe clearest indication yet that Beijing willreduce its target growth rate from the current"around seven percent", after expansion slowedlast quarter to its lowest in six years. Someeconomists say that the current figure isunattainable going forwards, and that trying todo so risks derailing painful but necessarymarkets reforms. The country has faced economicturbulence in recent months as it attempts totransition its economy from years ofsuper-charged growth to a more modest pace ithas dubbed the "new normal". Botched stockmarket interventions and a sudden currencydevaluation have rattled confidence in thecountry's leadership, which has staked itslegitimacy on maintaining an aura of economicinfallibility.